In essence, I agree.
In practice, we're a roleplaying server, and the very nature of roleplaying servers requires some level of "fun police" otherwise it'd just be full of OOC communication and metagaming etc.
The question is simply where the line is.
We draw the line pretty clearly with IC/OOC(mostly) because we can all easily agree we don't really thinks it's roleplaying to have your character say "lol, dat gobbo got owned, crittastic baby trololololol" and such like
This is another thing like that, but it's simply not as extreme.
We have to be able to put down rulings on these kinds of things, it's the nature of a roleplaying server, there are others which have different points that line is drawn at, and completely none roleplay servers too.
Bottom line is this:
Someone has to decide where the line is.
Those someones are the DM team. Principally, the admins.
The DM Team aren't perfect or encyclopedias, as pointed out, and evidenced. This means there will be things that get missed, and decisions some people don't agree with.
If a player dislikes the rule(ings), that's their right, but they have two choices:
accept it and adapt to it
play somewhere else.
We prefer 1. But 2 is there.