ECL 2 and Normal application
Monk levels not permitted, regardless of base alignment, on Lycans due to balance issues.
Take note of the base alignment that most Lycans of a certain type adhere to, shifted and not. It is possible to play a non-standard alignment, but it will require an excellent IC reason outlined in the application to be presented. (A Chaotic Good werewolf, for example)
Note: Plane Touched, Genasi, and Lycanthropes are available for all races. Lycanthrope can be applied on top of subraces (water genasi werewolf for example is possible).
Inherent properties/abilities
Wisdom +2
Spot +4, Listen +4
Hybrid Form
Extra attack per round
BAB 1-5 get 2 attacks per round
BAB 6-10 get 3 attacks per round
Damage Reduction 10/+1
Damage Reducton 5/+2
AC Bonus (Natural) +4
Gloves are not usable and will force unequipped
Weapons/Shields are not usable and will force unequipped
Armour is not force unequipped
AC from armour is applied while shifted.
Properties from armour are applied
Claws and Bite are spawned and force equipped on shift
Consumables can be used
Spells can be cast
Special abilities (Bard song, Barb rage etc) can be used
Level 4
+1 Enchantment Creature weapons (Does not shown on character sheet but is working in combat log)
Claws 1d8+1 Monster damage
Bite 1d4 +1 Monster damage.
Additional Property- Regeneration: Vampiric +2
10% Movement speed
Level 7
+2 Enchantment Creature weapon (Does not shown on character sheet but is working in combat log)
Claws 1d10+2 Monster damage
Bite 1d6 Monster Damage
Additional Property- Regeneration: Vampiric +2
Additional Property- Wounding 3
20% movement speed increase
Animal Form
Take on STR/DEX/CON of Animal
Strength +6, Dexterity +2, Constitution +4
Fortitude + 5, Reflex +5, Will +1
Wererat - Neutral Evil
Strength +2, Dexterity +6, Constitution +4,
Fortitude +4, Reflex +6, Will +1
Werecat - Neutral Evil / Chaotic Good [Under review]
Strength +4, Dexterity +6, Constitution +2,
Fortitude +2, Reflex +6, Will +2
Wereboar - True Neutral
Strength +4, Dexterity +2, Constitution +6,
Fortitude +6, Reflex +2, Will +2
Creature weapon attacks are selected randomly from available choices
Creature weapons automatically pierce DR up to whatever DR the creature has
10/+1 allows creature weapons to pierce x/+1
5/+2 allows creature weapons to pierce x/+2
10/+5 (Stoneskin) allow creature weapons to pierce x/+5
On Hit: Wounding can be applied multiple times and works as:
Regeneration: Vampiric works as:
This is the final lycan subrace for the foreseeable future so we can move on other things. As with everything this is subject to modifications at out discretion.