Armor models
I dont know if one exists but for those trying to avoid the city for rp reason is it possible to get the models to design armor also outside the city?
Perfectly reasonable, maybe one in Tilverton and one in Immersea.
the alleys & rooftops could be fleshed out a bit to be given a more intimidating vibe, and ways out the city. With hardcore revolutionary npcs, bandit npcs, and other miscreants that fought in the revolution, etc.
There is also a prestige store already there, and so murdered manticore could be a good hub for criminals
@JoeKickAss said in Armor models:
alleys & rooftops could be fleshed out a bit
This post is about adding tailoring models to areas that are NOT inside the city.
That said, v6956 : Tailoring Models added to Immersea and Eveningstar
@JoeKickAss said in Armor models:
murdered manticore could be a good hub for criminals
That's exactly why it exists, but has nothing to do with the suggestion in the first post.