Buffing Martial Stones
I was trying to think of a good way for frontlining to be feasible, and it clicked. Those martial stones of last chapter. OUB barb/fighter/monk. Bringing those back, yet tweaked, would make front lining a hell of a lot of a better time. And they could scale with level, yet not give more bonuses than potions so that they don't get outdated. That way martial classes get a nice little boon that makes surviving a hell of a lot of an easier time.
Oub monk fighter or barbarian. Taking any other classes makes it unusable.
Suggested price: 100xlevel for 5 charges (150 per charge. A quest nets 250g, so 150 of that going to surviving isn't too bad. Or make price scale with level, yet never going above 200 a use.)
Lasts 1 hour / level.
Level 4: +1 natural AC, +1 Deflection AC, +15 temporary hp.
Level 5: +1 natural AC, +1 deflection AC, +15 temp hp.
Level 6: +1 natural AC, +2 deflection AC, +15 temp HP.
Level 7: +1 natural AC, +2 deflection AC, +20 temp HP
Level 8: +2 natural AC, +2 Deflection AC, +20 temp HP
Level 9: +2 natural AC, +2 Deflection AC, +20 temp HP
Level 10: +2 natural AC, +2 Deflection AC, +25 temp HP -
@sharkinajar said in Buffing Martial Stones:
yet not give more bonuses than potions so that they don't get outdated
but yet once you hit level 8 thats exactly what happens.
Not true @CrazyZleric . Bark gives +3 ac and shield gives +4.
I believe this to be a good change.
I agree with this as the three main martial classes with no spells whatoever have been struggling in our current setting especially gear and gold wise unless they join a faction, so this change will be good for non faction PCs which there are quite a few of.
Maybe even adding in something as little as 5% di or 1/- to it would go a long way as well without being too much.
Seems like a good change