Healer's Kits are NWN default. Healing Kits are CoA special.
The issue is that OUR kits all have the same tag and deal out healing based on variables.
And in the crafting scripts, they have to have different tags. So we use the NWN default tag and then our scripts replace those with our own Healing Kits.
// take away old traps, give new traps, take old kits, give new kits
if (GetIsPC(oPC) && !GetIsDM(oPC)) {
if (GetStringLeft(sTag, 10) == "NW_IT_TRAP") {
SetStolenFlag(oItem, TRUE);
} else if (GetStringLowerCase(GetStringLeft(sTag, 12)) == "nw_it_medkit") {
string sNew = "medkits";
string sType = "sMEDKIT_TYPE";
string sName = "Healing Kit +";
int num = StringToInt(GetStringRight(sTag, 3));
switch (num) {
case 1: sName += "1"; break;
case 2: sName += "3"; break;
case 3: sName += "6"; break;
case 4: sName += "10"; break;
default: sName += "1";
/* int nStack = GetItemStackSize(oItem);
int i = 0;*/
object oTmp;
//for (i = 0; i < nStack; i++) {
oTmp = CreateItemOnObject(sNew, oPC);
SetLocalString(oTmp, sType, "healkit");
SetName(oTmp, sName);
So it gave her 4 Healer's Kits, then destroyed them and replaced them with Healing Kits.
So the fix Deth & I put in worked! @Harlequin put ingredients for 4 kits and got 4 kits. (eventually)