Languages and You:
Currently the following regional languages do not work so do not try to take them until further updates:
North Dalect
Rashemi -
The following Racial Languages do not work until further notice:
Infernal -
North Dialect
ShouBesides the three languages above, all should presently be functional (whether they're actually obtainable or not is left to DM discretion).
If any language that you have is not functional, kindly post a bug report as usual.
I helped with this project in the past, I do not have access to the original format it was requested in. If someone could kick that to me I would not mind helping again.
It has been brought to my attention Shou should be based off a different language then how I set it up, and the Current Shou should be "Kozakuran" (Spoken in Kozakura {Islands just off Shou Long [where Shou is spoken]} Located in Kara-Tur as I based it off of phonetic Japanese.)
With the format I could repost an updated Shou and try to help with any other IG languages.
didnt even know you had languages been just rping mine. thats cool though something to note.
@Winterhawk99 Check out the radial crafting menu (right click, left, up on the anvil image). You should find a "Bonus Language" section and it should inform you how many you can choose based off race/possible class/Intelligence score.
well lauri has an int of 20 she's probably the smartest pc on the server. However her humbleness and devotion to her goddess makes it not show up too often. Nyx scoped it out and realized just how intelligent Lauri is and uses her for tactical reasons. I'm amazed by the player that represents Nyx to scope Lauri out. Kudos to him or her. I'll check it out. As far as my pc they only know Mulhorandi and common Shou due to rp reasons across severs. Lauri is my review pc and has ventured on several servers. So if i can pick them up proper if CoA has either the dmfi language system or a custom system similar that would be cool and I would not have to just rp it.
The languages we intend for Players to have access too all work.