Arabel: House Summerstar
NPC: Junna Raudhan, Minthe Silverleaf
Arabel: People's Palace
NPC: Awana Dawn
Arabel: Sanctum of the Precept
NPC: Hector Delacroix (wrong head)
Arabel: Temples & Shrines
NPCs: Dalorna Aris, Sophia Garner
Arabel: The Crown
NPCs: "Crown Guard" (Female generic guard), Cleaner
Also there's a floating "seat" placeable near the "Suzail Bobtail" cat
Arabel: House Mossmere
NPCs: Ruby Thond, Jasmine Blacksand
Calantar's Road, Aunkspear
NPCs: Morgana Fhatta
Eveningscar: The Lonesomm Tankard
NPCs: Charlotte Laursen
NPCs: Illume
Immersea: Interiors
NPCs: Elite Angler, Downa Travellio
King's Forest: Interiors
NPC: Maeliss Blacksand
Redwoods, Redspring Meadow
NPCs: Redwoods Farmer
Tilverton: Winking Moon
NPCs: Tova Nemrin, Weronica Sparrow