@Strife-and-Discord said in Keenear Powder:
Which operator was it? ++ or --? Or was it && maybe?
it was a Salem-User error :D
@Strife-and-Discord said in Keenear Powder:
Which operator was it? ++ or --? Or was it && maybe?
it was a Salem-User error :D
Strife magic
Deth magic
Strife magic
will leave this one for @Strife-and-Discord and @Mr-Moloch
they are indeed supposed to have darkvision
i have updated the script and the incorrect forum post
please test after v8668 is live
need you ig to test
dms get auto success on crafting so cant do this myself ;)
Not all undead are evil. However, in this case, she probably should be.
changed v8668
after some trial and error, situation resolved
tested in game
will be fully live v8668
most likely fixed v8667
had a typo in the script (s_plant15 instead of s_plant5)
@TuesdayParade said in Hillmarch Ogre Warlord:
It actually has three bosses! Ogrillon chieftain, orc chieftain, and the ogre warlord
i've never seen the warlord spawn though so i didnt know hit had aura
removed aura v8667