Beholder Eye Stalks
The fabled beholder, the most feared encounter on the server. For many, surviving is reward enough... But what about those brave enough to actually kill it?
In the past players could receive a beholder eye stalk drop upon killing beholders.
I would suggest adding beholder eye stalks once more. Here are some suggestions for the uses. Each suggestion would be an individual type of stalk, with each stalk having an equal chance to spawn.
Magic Missile (9) 10 uses.
Dispel Magic (10) 3 uses.
Lesser Spell Breach (7) 2 uses
Confusion (7? I think 5) - 3 use
True Seeing (9) - 1 use
Cloudkill (9) 3 uses
any suggestions/input are welcome! Keep in mind these are flavourful reagents/magical items as a reward for bravely defeating the strongest static monster in the server.
I'd be ok with this but I'd be worried they'd be farmed really badly. The really powerful stuff might be 1 use only instead.
Ie cloudkill
@man-in-the-mist cloudkill is only good for killing level 6s and lower so its not very strong at all, really. The idea is more for a flavourful reward for a feat as impressive as taking on a beholder.
In favor of the eyestalks dropping to be used, but I'd feel more comfortable of they had less powerful spells. Yes, any system like this can and WILL be farmed once players find an easy way to take down beholders. (I can already think of summon spamming) Some of the things listed here can only be crafted by a, or a near max level PC at a cost of gold and exp. It should stay that way.
To be very honest, I can say that I farmed the heck out of eyestalks when we had them last, and they were the go to pvp tools, so that's something to take into heavy consideration. Items like these have a very real risk of widening the gap between the most mechanically competent players, and the rest of the playerbase in pvp power.
@sinister_plank In this case I'd change the dispel to (5) then. They're not meant to be overpowered but flavourful and make sense. The previous versions has things like flesh to stone or finger of death which obviously have no place in the current setting. But seeing the actual items and having some moderate magical ability was a cool feature and nice reward.
Yeah I think just a slightly lesser version of some of the bigger stuff. Cloudkill still makes me nervous but it's not like I have any real say anyhow.
@man-in-the-mist when i did a beholder quest in spring 2021, the beholders dropped eyes. Has it been changed on purpose? And I agree, let them drop something useful, But not pvp breaking.
see invisibility?
detect secrets?
as a cantrip wand with all flavours available?
detect traps?more useful things even though they arent technically beholder attributes, more eye attributes!
Did these get removed then? I put em back in ages ago
Stalks are IG