Ranger Tracking and "The Voice"

Eh, just ignore it.
just ignore it is an answer and it is somewhat 'a go' on a go/no go scale' let me explain further: (The Voice) is a DMFI creation to listen to pcs and react to certain triggers (by way of pc interaction or physical trigger) to initiate alternate paths for the pc to explore. It is not often noticed except in scripting but occasionally pcs do notice it.
Add Trackless Step to the creature called "The Voice" in the palette.
@Zool said in Ranger Tracking and "The Voice":
Add Trackless Step to the creature called "The Voice" in the palette.
Yep simple fix
@Winterhawk99 I know what it is, having DM'ed myself on other servers. @Puffy asked me to make a bug report.
OH! sorry just trying to help
Trackless step added v7179