OH! sorry just trying to help

Latest posts made by Winterhawk99
RE: Ranger Tracking and "The Voice"
just ignore it is an answer and it is somewhat 'a go' on a go/no go scale' let me explain further: (The Voice) is a DMFI creation to listen to pcs and react to certain triggers (by way of pc interaction or physical trigger) to initiate alternate paths for the pc to explore. It is not often noticed except in scripting but occasionally pcs do notice it.
Floki's sword
Floki's sword mysteriously disappeared from his inventory while resetting a shield bug (could not place it on him) any way to get the sword back? it was +1 to hit against undead and +1 divine damage to undead.
RE: Rat Graphics
It is an outstanding problem related to the HAK files. Do not worry the builders/scripters/ custom content makers will get to it. They need to find the missing texture and wrap it to the model in 3dsMax. I'll hit up Echo to make sure it happens.
RE: Modify-able cloaks and helmets!
Good Deal, Zool. We all appreciate it.
Of Dark alters and desiccated monuments
Lauriella gets a letter from the Council of freedom and immediately writes a reply.
I see that I am still of some use to Arabel. Thank you Council leaders for accepting me. I am currently investigating, and creating a siphoning incantation to help with the Dard Alters problem. In the past as you see from my inquiries and inputs into ACT many plans failed to take fruit.
I have spoken with Nanthleene in great detail over the dark alters and desiccated shrines. There is still one question that remains we must answer. Is negative energy the only power source of these alters or does the negative energy also carry with it something else? We must know the exact nature of all variables before proceeding with any cleansing.
I have a book to which i can preform a legend lore spell, however as you know I am preoccupied on writing the incantation to siphon the energy from these alters. Osco also has a book to which he can also preform legend lore. Being that I am currently pre-disposed perhaps he may preform the spell and with his bard knowledge understand more than when I did this the first time.
It is an option that the council may act upon in my absence so that we cause no harm when we preform this ceremony on both the alters and the sacred drudic monuments. I did seek council with Nan before I left for Immersea. She will have all the knowledge of both the ritual and plan to rid the forest of the rotting disease. Also Mair the Mage will have knowledge of our plans.
Once again thank you for accepting me
Captain Lauriella Sithmore. -
RE: Tailoring Model Flat Cost or Free?
20% markup would be about normal i would say so 0.2 would be more fitting unless you are using the appraisal skill. With active use of appraisal skill it should be much higher. perhaps 0.5- 1.0 depending on how many middle men to get the goods to the customer.
RE: Council Roster
Name: Lauriella Sithiir
Sponsor: last member of the defunct ACT. Recruited by Nyx to be an Analysis, tactical coordinator and specialist in necromancy.I will keep the files of ACT for the council. With the council's permission I would like to stay on and help this new organization in any way I may while still living in Immersea.
I would also suggest Jo as a member being that she has been my control and coordinator these many months we have worked together well in the past.
Thank you
Captain Lauriella Sithiir. -
RE: [Closed]Buffs vanishing
issue persists around paladins. lost my buffs tonight after walking by Lilah and the dawngaurd.