Door Arrow Puzzles on the Wyvernwater Islands
I've spent many an evening exploring the Wyvernwater Islands with others and absolutely love them, with the exception of the rooms with the moving arrow on the floor.
As a character you can only see the arrow from one side of the door and the door hardly stays open for any time at all. A party of three or more have to either bunch closely together and run through at the same time. This usually ends up with the door slamming in someone's face (normally mine) and having to wait for the arrow to rotate again.
It doesn't add anything to the play experience and in fact I'd go as far to say as it actually spoils it a bit because it's just a massive OOC pain in the butt. It also grinds role play to a halt as everyone has to focus on getting through the door.
I suggest either removing it completely or replacing with a something like a statue that you have to rotate. A statue would feel a lot more on theme with the rest of the puzzles. Also perhaps have an escape chain the other side of the doors to avoid being locked in.
Thanks and much love, really appreciate all the hard hard that went into these Island. X
@Cojak81 said in Door Arrow Puzzles on the Wyvernwater Islands:
It doesn't add anything to the play experience
@Cojak81 said in Door Arrow Puzzles on the Wyvernwater Islands:
grinds role play to a halt
especially when people make OOC comments about the arrow in the midst of RPing
@Cojak81 said in Door Arrow Puzzles on the Wyvernwater Islands:
everyone has to focus on getting through the door
it's meant to be a challenge
but fine i'll delete it and just put more of the same doors that are found elsewhere
Don't be upset.
He did say that he really does value and appreciate the work that you put into the island areas.
And even gave a suggestion about a rotating statue implementation that may work out better -
@Echo Sorry if this post upset you, it's just a small suggestion to make an already awesome area even better. Like I said, I love the islands and appreciate all the work that was put in. I have always been encouraged to add QoL ideas and make suggestions to how things can be improved but if this is how they are going to be received then I don't think I will anymore because I don't want people getting upset.
If I may suggest, the arrow challenge is fine in itself. It challenges players to coordinate their movements.
It could, however, be improved slightly for QoL. Perhaps give a longer delay so larger group can get through the door all together without having to rush or wait for another rotation? This would surely be a quick fix.
Adding a lever on the other side to open the door might be a good idea. If it does not break the system that is.
The statue idea is neat, but I am certain it would require scripting to make it work. Which means more work and more time. So, unless you are a script guru and wanna join the Builder's Guild, it might take a while until we see this sort of puzzle item, if it is doable.
I will see about extending the duration that the doors remain open.
I wanted to make it a statue, but I could not get it to work because you have to interact with the statue, whereas the arrow moves on its own.
That might work. The problem is not daring to type because those 1 or 2 seconds are likely to ruin the chance to slip through that door before it smashes closed again.
Remember also that RPing about the puzzles and challenges of the areas are part of it as well. :P They aren't just there to slow people down. Much more when the party discuss and debate how to solve problems!
Yes, which is why some slightly longer time would be helpful, here. The arrow points in four different directions. Eventually, you will have roleplayed having understood it. You need to pass through some of the doors repeatedly, too. So if it is 7 or 8 passes through the doors within one exploration - then there will be the point where you may still want to say and rp something - while also wanting to actually pass through the door. With the present timing, if you are typing something while your character stands in front of the door, you are almost certain to have the door bump into either your own nose, or the nose of the character behind you.
Now, this is definitely funny the first half dozen times - but someone told me in some other suggestion post some while back that the same joke only stays funny for a limited time. So… maybe try it with a player character - and after having visited that island one or two dozen of times, I would put my digital money on 99% of players agreeing that some adjustment here would, in fact, be conducive to roleplay.
ok so the way this works is it's on the server heartbeat (evert 6 seconds) ((yes the server has a heart, don't break it))
I cant set a specific amount of time for it to delay, but I was able to "skip" a heartbeat, so it will change every 12 secondsbest i can do for now
v8575 -