Allow rest in Snaking Tunnels
Please allow people to rest in the area called Stonelands, Snaking Tunnels. The place is huge to explore, some of the spawns are pretty tough (which is fine) and, by the time you get to the end, you've burned through a lot.
And gods forbids anyone wants to explore the dead magic area at the other end, they could really use the ability to rest and prepare for it before going in, because you cannot heal or use any magic in it (no spell, no wands, no potions, and probably no items either). You can only buff in the tunnels but then you cannot rest to replenish.
Also likely a bug but monsters can cast in the dead magic zone
Added a rest area n the snaking tunnels. Take a screenie and some more details about "the other end and where you are suggesting another rest area. -
@V-Rage said in Allow rest in Snaking Tunnels:
Also likely a bug but monsters can cast in the dead magic zone
Eventually on the list to get fixed. @SpiffyMeister
Till it’s fixed could the spawns be readjusted so that casters don’t appear? Like take the casters out of the encounters monster list?
Would suffice as an alternative till it’s eventually fixed
The end of the area is where the dead magic zone is at. Toolset wise, it should be where the dead magic zone is painted.Will get a screenshot next time I'm in there IG.
it is the area beyond the tunnels that is more the issue, rather than the nul zone in the tunnels themselves
Prof was asking where the end of the tunnel is to add a rest area so you can go in the area that is beyond said tunnel. Being able to prepare would help a lot to explore the area beyond without it being a death trap no one wants to go in.