Magic Fang Not Working With Animal Companion
Server Version: 7213
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Time: Description: Title says it all. I tried Magic Fang with two different companions and it did not work. I've cast it may times with success in the past.
An admin will need to confirm but I think it works only with animals. Beasts and Magical Beasts will not work.
I used it fine with a hyena and a desert shock lizard prior to today.
you did not change companion and was able to use the spell on it before today?
@Matriarch That's correct.
@Gorga469 said in Magic Fang Not Working With Animal Companion:
Issue Description: Title says it all. I tried Magic Fang with two different companions and it did not work. I've cast it may times with success in the past.
Which companion did you try it with when you got the failure notificiation?>
@Echo Tried with a Hyena, and a Desert Shock lizard. The spell worked as intended on both animals in the past.
Desert Shock lizard shouldnt be an animal companion anyway - it should be set to reptile, not animal.
Will check on hyena.
@Echo Currently, snakes can be tamed, the desert shock lizard, at least one beetle type, stag, I think? I remember back in V4 you could tame almost anything, even spiders.
I recall the same. They could be tamed as companions, but Animal Empathy did not work on them, however.
@Matriarch It was nice to have more diversity.
Are we still having issues with this?
Yes. I was just about to report it. It worked before the Update / patch. But stopped working again.
What animal did you try to use it on?
Can we please have a list of animals this issue is on.
Is this still an issue?
@echo yes. Happened today
Did you just check the character sheet of the companion, or did you check the combat logs for higher AB?
The character sheet isn't always accurate.
Oh wait, shit
It;'s giving you the message
Cursory script checking doesn't show any obvious errors, someone would need to add debug lines to the code where it finds the companion, and see where it's breaking.