Spell: Blistering Radiance
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Screen Shot:Tested it out on the "defend the farm from wolves" quest, Wolf-Infested Farms.
I casted this spell on the boss of the quest. Funnily enough, the spell did not effect the boss at all, despite having a "save for half" effect. Not sure if that's because this particular boss has evasion or not.
More importantly, the spell ended up hitting everything around it, enemies and summoned allies alike despite the spell having a "Target: Single creature" and nothing in the description saying it does splash damage.
Where does it say single target?
From the script:
See also: http://dnd.arkalseif.info/spells/complete-arcane--55/blistering-radiance--491/index.html
Here you are. Seems in the spell descriptor. It also says the saving throw and negatives are made by the single target as well.
Descriptor is wrong, then. It's a AoE spell.
Someone who can edit the spells.2da can fix/edit this
@sharkinajar @Prof-Misclick @SpiffyMeister -
That's a tlk edit actually. I can take a swing at fixing @Echo . Desc should match what you linked above?
Yes, should not be single target. Should be large area (however that's noted). Please add that it does not affect only allies.
@sharkinajar Did you make this edit?
Couldn't figure it out. Somethin weird was going on- the TLK was completely different than the desc given there.
@sharkinajar said in Spell: Blistering Radiance:
Couldn't figure it out. Somethin weird was going on- the TLK was completely different than the desc given there.
Probly the wrong tlk, I bet theres a few in different haks...
Fix attempted v7340
Any testing on this?
Marking as closed until I hear it's still broken.