Broken Bottle Shack
I made a rogue and monk today to do this quest. Its one of the first players will find.
Every time you do it, 4 direrats spawn with +4 AB. Rogues and monks will have 16 AC roughly, that means you'll be hit by two rats each round with 32 HP about 4 damage each hit, 25% in one round of your total.
That makes these fights absolutely deadly for these two classes, it'll be a breeze if your AC is higher as a fighter, and most other classes will have AE or a summons who can take the fight.
Its also a quest you'll probably get disease on - but as the first quest you do as a new player, it should drop a healing kit at the end as a reward. Maybe with some dialog explaining how they work.
I'd really suggest looking at the CR of the rats, or making sure it doesn't spawn minimum four each time. Possibly add in some weaker rats to the spawn table. One of those three, or all three of those suggestions would make this less a death trap.
Thanks to the "Numbers on CoA" charts we do see these rat groups being the number 1 PC killer.
@Swifty-Willownall We can all see the charts?! Where are they, I geek out over KPI.
added another version of rat to the options 8637