Make stances toggleable
it's a pain in the but to be constantly spamming power attack / expertise and have them disable whenever you accidentally click something that isn't an enemy. Please change it so they are toggleable!
God yes plese
Bumping this. Pleeeaaasseeee. It's literally changing a 0 to a 1 in a script.
[4:59 PM] sharkadin (Aritian):
max-ability-bonus = 12 max-ability-penalty = 30 max-attack-bonus = 20 max-damage-bonus = 100 max-saving-throw-bonus = 20 max-skill-bonus = 50 sticky-modes = false This setting controls Sticky Combat Modes. A setting of true will allow combat modes such as Power Attack or Expertise to remain on after combat ends. Actions that would normally turn a combat mode off, such as casting spells when Expertise was on, will still turn such combat modes off.
[4:59 PM] Echo the Merciless: What are you trying to accomplish?
[5:00 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): sticky mode
[5:00 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): A total QoL change that i had asked on the forums and prof about and he said if any dm can bother with it
[5:01 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): Makes it so that things like power attack, expertise, and other stances don't immediately cancel if you click away accidently.
[5:01 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): or move.
[5:01 PM] Echo the Merciless: Gotcha!
[5:02 PM] Draco (Dawn Stormchild): that be awsomes for expertice especialy
[5:02 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): should be a simple thing to do. Don't know how settings.tml is on for EE, but it's a server setting change.
[5:02 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): ^
[5:02 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): settings.tml
[5:03 PM] Echo the Merciless: link me the suggestion thread.[5:04 PM] sharkadin (Aritian): mostly was people talking about it here and in pms and stuff
[5:05 PM] Echo the Merciless: I'll ask Deth about it. Since it's a server side setting
Already implemented by Zool
@Echo Well... yes, I set the thing to true, but it seems to change back to false when the server boots up. Not sure why. Maybe it'll stick this time?
@Prof-Misclick Thank Doc Deth - they pointed out you couldn't edit the setting.tml while the server was running.
@DoctorDeth o7