The Skulls have betrayed us to the Castellan, they assaulted Adrian and took the shards he holds from him. I wish that he had passed one to me as i suggested to him, but his hubris and self confidence appears to be our undoing.
The shards, i believe, have now been combined and used to raise a city from beneath the sands to fly across the skies like the ancient citadels of Netheril.
If this flying citadel leaves the region then i would consider us fortunate, however we must plan for the worst and consider how we might bring it back to earth and destory the undead that rules it.
Adrian is developing a plan using Aunumator's relics to power some sort of holy explosion to bring the undead to their knees, to do this we will need to fly to the citadel. Again some sort of plan is emerging to use the essence of air to carry us there but details reside only in vague thoughts at the moment.