we're not going to specify which but it has in our opinion caused some damage for admins to present themselves as new players. It has been on our minds for some time but given another players response on a different thread, leading with being a new player it has brought it to the forefront once more.
We understand the importance for dms to enjoy the game as they need to.
But if you're going to do it, it is in the best interests to do so as a veteran player than a new one. The reason being, every new player or even player that wants to play on a different account will be met with suspicion.
It is possible this even will lead to make newly created veteran accounts to be met with the same suspicion.
It doesn't help matters when Admins using their new accounts on discord will respond to their accounts in attempt to manipulate people into believing it is an authentic interaction.
The purpose of this account is so groups of players may forward their constructive complaints with anonymity. Message via forums.
Thus the grand conspiracy begins....
Its like High Crimmond on the forums
i do not really care, i treat each encounter on its own merits, if i do not recognize a player name, i might ask if they are a new player and need some guidance
Normally my encounters are more of a RP type, again, each individual is treated on the RP and encounter merits and nothing else, if my character likes yours i will talk, and i might even try to draw them for the forum (that is where the pm's will come from now on, as i have been made aware some of my pm's are not welcome).
if my character does not like your character in game, it is likely my character will simply try to avoid yours in the game, for me it is all about the RP, i do not care about who is running the other character, as i am trying to view that character as a unique individual.
Thought process: DMs are just players that were asked to step up and help create this world by previous or maybe current DMs. If they are indeed responding to themselves to make them seem like a new player that is a bit weird, but they aren’t AAA game developers hiding in plain sight or trying to trick people. A DM PC is literally just them trying to play just like us. Not going to lie, my main concern is less that they are “hiding” and more that we could really use someone more active in the US time zones since it’s obvious the team is heavily EU centric and that seems to show with the server player pop being mostly active in EU afternoons and evening.
Suggestion? If they are pretending to be a new player (haven’t seen it yet), don’t do that, just play as if they are a player on a new account, much like some of us other returning vets do for a fresh start. It makes things easier for those of us that like to gush and guide newbies.
I'm either dumb or just blind, but either I don't see this happen or I don't care because I'm not looking for it. If I see someone I know is a DM or storyteller playing a PC, why the hell would you badger them about something? Obviously they're just trying to play... like, goddamn, lol.
I assume if a DM/Storyteller/Admin is playing a PC... they're probably somewhat removed from the plots, and/or are just inactive temporarily to reduce burnout. They shouldn't be bothered with shit.
I look at it from a table top D&D sesson... if the DM is acting as an NPC that is interacting with you sure, it's a DM... but sometimes when you DM you want to play, during that time they are a PC, and the group normally just treats them as a fellow player and not a DM.
Why should that be different on CoA? I don't think it should be personally. If someone is acting like a fellow PC, treat them as such.
I don't really discriminate between PCs based on their player so I'll just say this:
When playing a PC or DMing everyone has the choice to do so anonymously or incognito. Sometimes you might want to focus on the roleplaying and OOC expectations can get in the way of that. For this reason and others players might play under a new username, or new DMs might take on a different name when coming into the role.
While I can understand that it might feel a bit jarring to suspect new players of not being genuine. I don't think there's a need as 99% of them aren't going to be an old player.
Even if you suspect a PC is being played by someone you might know, DM or otherwise. I suggest you just treat them the same as any other player.
I do not really care whether it is a dm or storyteller who launches a new pc. I have played with every single one of our DM team when they were players, and I can (as can most vet players) see in playstyle and concept type who is who.If a dm decides to step down for a while to pursue a concept, PLEASE do! Especially if they need time away from what I imagine is a rather taxing role in the community.
My ONLY issue, is that it can be very hard to figure out which storytellers or admins are currently active and who are not. That means both the administration/building part, and the IG active part. That aspect needs much better communication. If, say, @Echo is on pure building "duty" for a while, Ill know that I might be able to annoy her with reset requests, but I will not approach her regarding IG stuff. And if she is playing, just state it, even if it is a secret account.
I know there is an official rule that an admin or storyteller who is active (active in the story pushing sense) with a PC usually steps down from admin stuff in to avoid conflicts of interests. Which leads to the "complaint suggestion" of this thread. IMO its better to be upfront and honest about stuff, than trying to hide it away. That does not mean that you cannot or should not play by a different login. By all means do!
If there is a rule of thumb, that its either or and not both (playing and admin) notify us that you are inactive atm, to avoid silly misunderstandings or conflicts by needless deception, if that is causing grief within the community (which I havent experienced myself).