Bounties for Mobs
Bounty item GP XP Goblin ears 5 5 Kobold teeth 5 5 Orc heads 10 8 ???? What else would you like to see?
What do you think is a reasonable pay for each one?
Which creatures should drop them? (ie, all orcs or just the higher level ones, or a mixture?)
Should the items be in the mobs' inventory and drop on death or should you need to use a skinning knife (or other item) to collect it like you do with animal skins?Discuss!
if any of these suggestion possible,
-goblins chietain head for 15xp and 50 gold ( quest bosses )
-beholder tyrant eyes for 80 xp and 250 gold
-minautores horns or hooves between 5 to10 xp and 5 to 25
golds perhaps, depending on their level of strength.
-vampire teeths 25xp and 50 gold :Pi could list a whole lot more too if you wish :P
@bibi-the-alian These are pretty good!
Not sure we have beholder tyrants and vampires spawning in game but might adapt the ideas for other things.
Might could do lesser eye-stalk things. I think some already spawn IG as drops/loot.
What other ideas do you have? -
i think that the otion to turn them in for prestige as an alternative to gold would also be good, gold isnt the best currency in game usually i find!
@cadiz 99% of all quest loot can be turned in for prestige. I'll consider it for these things but not sure about it right now honestly.
@echo oh the beholder eye tyrant... the worse of them, with desintegrate and turn to stone are locatedcan spawn in the whailing chasm :P
@echo said in Bounties for Mobs:
What else would you like to see?
A few ideas:
Ogre Chieftain heads
Giant heads (Maybe just shamans and chiefs?)
Corrupted Treant Branch - prestige at wildwalker
bandit chief head - prestige at Mistrim and/or Mossmere?
Elite Bandit or Gypsy mage (if sorcerer) something - prestige at Precept
Sewer Gang Leader's head - prestige at Greywatch (add criminals in the sewers!)
Undead PD skull? - prestige at House of Morning -
Added Bounties for
Gang leaders
Corrupted Treants -