mw bonus appears to not apply
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when i cast mw on my gloves there is a temp bonus to the item and it is reflected in the character sheet.
however when looking at the combat log the bonus is not applied.
Here's the code. Someone help me find why it doesnt work as intended.
void AddEnhancementEffectToWeapon(object oMyWeapon, float fDuration) { IPSafeAddItemProperty(oMyWeapon, ItemPropertyEnhancementBonus(1), fDuration, X2_IP_ADDPROP_POLICY_KEEP_EXISTING, TRUE, TRUE); return; } void main() { /* Spellcast Hook Code Added 2003-07-07 by Georg Zoeller If you want to make changes to all spells, check x2_inc_spellhook.nss to find out more */ if (!X2PreSpellCastCode()) { // If code within the PreSpellCastHook (i.e. UMD) reports FALSE, do not run this spell return; } // End of Spell Cast Hook //Declare major variables effect eVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SUPER_HEROISM); effect eDur = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_CESSATE_POSITIVE); int nDuration = GetAdjustedCasterLevel(OBJECT_SELF); int nMetaMagic = GetMetaMagicFeat(); object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject(); object oMyWeapon; switch (GetObjectType(oTarget)) { case OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM: oMyWeapon = oTarget; break; case OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE: oMyWeapon = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTHAND, oTarget); if (!GetIsObjectValid(oMyWeapon)) { oMyWeapon = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_ARMS, oTarget); } break; default: SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "You must cast this spell at a creature or an item." ); return; break; } if (nMetaMagic == METAMAGIC_EXTEND) { nDuration = nDuration * 2; //Duration is +100% } if(GetIsObjectValid(oMyWeapon) ) { SignalEvent(GetItemPossessor(oMyWeapon), EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), FALSE)); if (nDuration > 0) { ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis, GetItemPossessor(oMyWeapon)); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eDur, GetItemPossessor(oMyWeapon), HoursToSeconds(nDuration)); AddEnhancementEffectToWeapon(oMyWeapon, HoursToSeconds(nDuration)); } return; } else { FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature(83615, OBJECT_SELF); return; } }
Tested in game.
Looks to be working just fine
@zool the issue was that i has in this example +11 ab before the mw was cast so the only benefit was that it was enchantment to pass dr and the +1 dam, rather than giving the +1 ab as well
@cadiz Sure, but I just tested it, and that character had +10 AB, before the spell was cast, and +11 afterwards, with +1 damage and DR piercing.
They had +1 enchancement, as it says, and it all worked fine.
So, at the least, I can't reproduce this bug. At most, it doesn't exist.