Manson, Half Orc
@miasma said in Hiring - Mercenary Work:
[Found posted in and around the city, written in a blocky text]
Mercenaries wanted for preservation of the Deadwell those pinkskins and rats who want it defiled shall be cut to pieces in the name of the Dread Lord himself
He knows of a whisper of a Sungod relic that is the key to opening old vaults and wants to pay gold to find it
Seek him out.
R Manson spawn of the Slayer
This fellow is according to Conrad of the Ravens a 'strange half orc' interested in old artifacts.
I think this should probably concern us so I'm starting a file.
Rhuul has proven himself true to his words, a troubling half-orc with words laced with darkness and thinly veiled threats. He's eager to escort myself or any other of Lathander to Deadwell, where there is a door sealed and only possible to open using artifacts of the Morning Lord. For now, I have played coy to learn more of his motives, this door, and the artifacts he seeks.
Be careful around him, he speaks of Bhaal, the dread lord with badly hidden eagerness. Yet, it would appear there are more to him than this. As he sees 'pinkskins' everywhere, and speaks of others with little love. Maybe we can coax him away from the darkness, but I am unwilling to risk the lives of my brothers and sisters to his foul plans.
@miasma said in Hiring - Mercenary Work:
[Further updates are added]
He is also paying for bounties on magical creatures TRESSYMS as key to unlocking Sunlords vaults
Map marker wanted to find the old graveyards where war heroes are buying during old wars
RM at Manticore
Dawnherald Tassulue
Your interest in the Morning Lord causes my heart to flutter, and I am eager to learn more of you and your discoveries of locked ancient vaults. Perhaps you would be willing to join myself and my temple siblings, in a ceremony for Lathander? I'm certain you would especially enjoy the company of Dawnsquire Ma'crag, a man who shares your heritage.
Dawnherald Tassulue Thorn of the Church of Lathander
Ma'crag, may I be so bold and ask you to seek Rhuul and speak with him? He dislikes any 'pinkskin' with a passion, so perhaps your shared heritage will aid you in reaching him.
Dawnherald Tassulue
Rhuul claims to be the son of Bhaal, and that half-orcs shall bring the rise of the Slayer once more. He desires a sundial, of the ancient god Amaunator, and has made it clear he will not allow anyone of Lathander to stop him. Even going so far, that a holy march of the Morning Lord won't stop him in his path. He's confident in his belief, eager to monologue, and wants to intimidate who ever is willing to listen.
Dominic has informed me there is a cult of Bhaal surrounding Deadwell, which Rhuul believes to be the tomb of Bhaal. Kira also raised concerns over the way Rhuul was attempting to intimidate and threaten myself, offering her assistance against the man.
For now he has not sinned, besides a few empty threats and exposition.
Dawnherald Tassulue
Would you perhaps be willing to work with Kira and our allies against this cult of Bhaal? Deadwell needs to be explored, as well as the ruins next to Blisterfoot Inn. Dominic and Kira have offered their support, yet I fear I am not the valiant warrior needed to face such a formidable foe. You would have my backing, and assistance whenever possible, but I would like it if you formally took this in your charge.
Dawnherald Tassulue
I can head this up, yes.
- Rhuul kidnaped Leona whilst she was unconscious from a fight, then held her by the neck and questioned her about deadwell whilst holding an ancient good with celestial text
- Rhuul may have raised undead to attack the Crown Guards
- Rhuul failed and was beaten down by the Crown Guards, but a fellow cultist of Bhaal aided his escape
- Maire was given an ancient tome by Dominic, with pages ripped out of it by Rhuul
- Rhuul was caught spying under invisibility in Eveningstar, but fled the scene
- Rhuul has made several public announcements, of his plans and actions against the Church of Lathander
- Rhuul has put up bounties, in an attempt to taunt, mock, and discriminate the Church of Lathander
- Rhuuls threats continue to mount
Maire, I believe it would be wise if we put out a bounty for Rhuul to be brought before the House of the Morning for questioning over acts of blasphemy and crimes against the church of Lathander. He can of course, hand himself in, and we should make that clear in the poster. But, I want your opinion and drive behind this, as you have already made progress and have the book.
Dawnherald Tassulue
I'll issue it.
I have been reminded I do not have the authority to issue it and the posters have been withdrawn.
[Written in a blocky, awkward text around the quieter, darker corners of the city and outskirts]
Bodies of dead men, ogres, dwarven heroes of time past wanted for holy rite to offer to the DEADWELL to strengthen its wards
Church of the Dreadlord shall march toward old battlesites and gravesites to secure old heros of the war to stand fight against its oppressor's
Grand powers and gold given to those offering tribute the rituals begin before a ten day is past
He has now begun openly practicing necromancy.
Sir Myrkyr;
I humbly request that the following individual be bountied for the following crimes:
- Practice of Necromancy - he is attempting to empower the Bhaalite curse of Deadwell.
- He has kidnapped a Leona, in Arabel, as reported to us by the Crown Guard. I have included this in case you wish to include it, although the crime happened in the city rather than the Bishopric.
- While not a specific crime, he has threatened to and attempted to destroy a holy artifact (Opulescent tome of Amunator).
This individual publicly worships the dead god Bhaal, and repeatedly makes postings in support of his desires to, apparently, spit in the eye of our church.
Proof and reports may be located earlier within this file.
I request that a bounty appropriate to his crimes be issued by the Order of the Aster.
~ Dawnsquire Maire Anglemorn
Rhuul Manson
To be brought alive before the Order of the Aster, House of the Morning, Eveningstar
Very interesting. And has this "Leona" been questioned? It may be wise to verify any claims from the "Crown Guard," rather than trust them outright.
Do so if only to prevent us looking like fools in the event of deception, even if it seems unlikely.
Regardless, I doubt it will matter, the other charges are more than enough to offer at least a middling bounty.
He was executed for necromancy this afternoon.
File closed.
~ Dawnsquire Maire