Losing all leather on a failed roll when trying to make something is excessive considering how much effort it takes to move several leathers.
@joekickass This is a statement. What is the suggestion?
@echo you dont lose all pieces, just a fraction of the leathers (e.g., you lose 1 leather if you fail)
@joekickass I can look into something for this. Give me a few days.
Totally forgot about this til now. Changes forthcoming v7637
- XP has been adjusted to be on par with other forms of crafting (was a bit low on some recipes)
- Recipe for Leather Sling will now use Badger leather instead of Deer leather (Seemed silly to use such a large leather to make a sling, swapped it out for a smaller animal)
- You will now keep about half of your animal leathers on a failed roll. You will still lose your pattern/cloth/studs/enchanting oils, etc.
- Cloaks & Leather armors you keep 2 of 3
- Boots you keep 1 of 2
- Hide armors you keep 3 of 4
- Studded armors you keep 3 of 5
Looking at making it so you dont lose all your leather hides when making leather goods. Right now I have it at : - Cloaks & Leather armors you keep 2 of 3
- Boots you keep 1 of 2
- Hide armors you keep 3 of 4
- Studded armors you keep 3 of 5
- Belts/gloves/whips -- you only use one, so cant do half of one. For now you will still lose the leather.