Wholeness of Body
It's a bit... kinda useless.
Suggestion: Upping its hp gain to 3x monk level, and adding in a restoration effect.
Yeah I agree. I mostly don't use it. I don't like the idea of restoration since it is somewhat available, but I'm down with improving it in any way.
One of the top ideas I think I had was either a short term regeneration effect, or a simple increase to the monks total hp, either by buffing constitution with wholeness or just increasing the base die. Either way. Wholeness of body sounds like an increase to constitution to me at face value, and it would help to increase the monks hp if they are pure monk or something, making them better for what the usually do. If you base it off of stunning fist uses, that could be a temporary hp increase, which the monk can do multiple times per rest.
Well you know what I said before and I still believe it, but there are definitely other options as well.
There are not only the main ability buffs, but also a plethora of other buffs that it could be. This could include things like ghostly visage to represent a lesser tier of the higher than ten levels monk benefits. It could be freedom of movement or lesser mind blank. Could make the monk immune to all poisons. Could be death ward. Could be spell resistance spell.Mass heal or healing circle might be an interesting thing considering undead around the monk could be damaged by it, or allies around the monk could also be healed. So like a burst heal.
It could also be based off of stunning fist uses. Shoot Aura vs alightment sounds pretty interesting too. Maybe undeaths eternal foe, though that might be too powerful. Or it could be the simple protection from alignment.Can go down the arcane list too. Flame weapon. Displacement. Expeditious retreat, maybe short term haste at level 10. Ethereal visage. Shadow shield or spell mantle, etc.
An interesting idea would be negative energy protection, since the effect is something like making the body whole.
I kind of like either protection from alignment, or a buff to constitution like endurance. Might also be that short term druid 4 buff thing, ummm aura of vitality? Interesting.
Either way, I'd be happy for anything.
It needs buffing, especialy since healing is everywere. I say lessor restore and maybe true restore at 8 as a reward for those who keep mostly pure.
@sharkinajar said in Wholeness of Body:
It's a bit... kinda useless.
Suggestion: Upping its hp gain to 3x monk level, and adding in a restoration effect.
Posted for discussion. We'll let you know.
Prof. Misclick
Suggestion approved.
- 3 hp per monk level
- Restoration
We'll let you know when the change goes live and updated the class thread at that time.
Over to you @sharkinajar
@prof-misclick Any word on this going Live?
@zap No mention of it in the Monk Class Players Handbook forum yet.
It's live