Closed: Removal of Naresh
Naresh's peer review has gained some support for his removal.
Let us vote
The motion passes. Clerks, please see the removal of Naresh from the council.
Whilst one person has yet to vote it seems this has majority.
Passed it seems
Am I to assume in light of these events, I am to remain?
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari
Many of the charges brought against you were still valid. However to begin mending the damage Adrienne caused I believe you should stay under the following conditions.
You have Nethki pay a 7500 fine to the council for the theft of the staves headpiece. The coin will be used to pay adventurers for tasks such as leading patrols against the sand snakes.
The Precept issues a public apology for the theft.
If you are unwilling to cooperate and will condone crimes that benefit you I see no reason why you should be a councillor.
Councilor Bryce,
Does this mean we may excuse the decisions made by the black dragon based on profits and coin?
A councilors seat at a cost of gold sounds like a fine idea to me!
-Clerk Johnson
I volunteer to handle the payments for new councilor positions and... of course any paperwork related to such.
-Clerk Pinwell