Suggestion: Giant Heads for Presitge.
I suggest giant heads be worth prestige
25 for hill giants
50 for stone giants
75 for frost giants
100 for fire giants
500 for storm giants (idk never seen one on coa)15 for cyclopses and ettins
Isn’t prestige super easy to get already?
Eh. I find it’s kind of RNG. Sometimes I have trouble and sometimes not.
But that aside, hunting for giant heads was a super fun RP mechanism that was embraced by a heavy loot-able head in the prior version. Would certainly be nice to have it back. It’s low priority, however.
This sounds like a super cool idea
Personally against, prestige should be difficult and time consuming to gather and spend.
Not something you should be able to murder animals + ambient spawns to get.
It's PRESTIGE, it's supposed to represent contributions and time spent in service to faction.
I see your point Spiffy,
maybe swap it out then for the animals to giants, and give it only to say.. Dwarven faction?
Hunting particular evil races does make sense as a way to earn prestige amongst some factions.
Valuuthra and the elves, Giants and dwarves, goblins and Crimson, difficult rare animals and the hunters union.
I am fine with it being used for Certain factions, but not for all of them.
Certain things will be prestigious to Misrim, and not to dwarves.
Just to point out as well, things like Frost giants, Ettins, Cyclops, etc have a chance of dropping like 40 prestige and 200+gp already anyways.