Exploration Area
The area in question is the one you fall into if you fail a jump check from the smuggler's route area.
You cannot escape this area without being lucky. I spent a good half an hour or so trying to find an exit. None of the jump checks in the area lead anywhere and there are no exits. The -only- exit I found was a secret hidden door, which you'll never find without being trained in search in the first place. The only reason I was able to escape was because I was sitting on a level, and was able to dump all my skill points into search.
Please make these areas escapable with actual exits and not secret doors.
The exit wasn't that hard to find, maybe you just got unlucky? Or could just be my search magic helps.
That's exactly the point. If you don't have points in search, it'll be more difficult for you to find it. Also, if you don't know where it is from past experience, you could bypass it and never even know due to a low roll.
It isnt exactly the easist place to find without search anyway.
Having the only way out of a place you fall into be a search check seems a bit mental.
Need a list of area examples where this is happening
Suggestions and feedback reviewed, with changes implemented.