Module version: 7094
Quest name: Dhedluk
Quests giver
ZQA: King's Forest, Dhedluk
Level range: 6-9
Party requirements: 1-8.
Number of people that did the quest: 1Spawns are a bit too much here. Mages can stun and sneak, and the swords have at least 13/8 ab. And you get groups of pretty big size- however, northern side the spawns group too close- i ended up getting surrounded by a group of mobs that had a total of: 8 battlemages that chainstunned, 3 first swords, 3 scouts, and 2 archers. Was a quick death xD
The quest isn't really built to be solo'd considering you are infiltrating a heavily PD protected town (some can pull it off, but it takes a lot), a small group or even 2 PCs can with some difficulty manage it and get handsomely rewarded. Will see if it can be tweaked a little, but then also the rewards will have to be tweaked.
Keep in mind, we opened quests to be solo-able "at your own risk" when player count was much lower.
They werent designed as solo quests.
Find friends. -
@sharkinajar said in Dhedluk:
If this one isn't supposed to be soloed
That's my point. None of them were meant to be solo'd. We opened it up to solo when there were low numbers. If no one gets there before I do, I'll raise it to 2 min.
Toned down the spawns a bit
Changed the Battle Mage to a wizard instead of rogue/sorc
Changed one of the archer types to ranger instead of rogue/ranger -