We need more admins and storytellers
Compared to other servers, CoA has a very small team. This is both a good and a bad thing- it's easier to keep the DM team organized and focused, but it's drawback truly shines especially in times like these where people get busy.
There is just not enough activity in game and on the forums, and the players are really feeling it. This past week or two have been incredibly low activity-wise, and people aren't logging in to play as much since there isn't too much to do aside from grinding. The RP is falling stale without any movement in story direction, and we really need things to liven up a bit.
I love all the work you guys are putting in... But as for active dms at the moment every single admin is incredibly busy, and the storytellers as well, especially now that puffy got another job and keeping busy. It is pretty much just voss running events at the moment, and that isn't enough to cover for all the various timezones.
And more builders, poor fargle is all alone.
Yep, DMs are certainly needed in my view. Right now, you join 1 of 2 factions, which are strict noble houses in all but name, to progress.
When i played my last character, no DMs were around to say anything to my LE character despite causing a server-wide trade war. I was stripped of all my in-game priveleges by a PC for doing it (about half my inventory was in a faction chest, my wage and all my equipment).
Unless you murder hobo with an OP build capable of solo'ing the 7-9 quests, it is hard to see what plots can be realistically pursued in the server currently.
There are a ton of plots that can be pursued without a DM and with a DM IG. There is alot that can be done, the problem is eventually it does come down to a DM needing to represent NPCs or run an event based off the DM-less progress you have made. So, while I agree more IG DM presence would greatly improve numbers and fun, I disagree that it is impossible to do anything without a DM or without being in a faction. In fact, most of what Vincenzo and Burdrul have accomplished has been DM-less. We've just kinda hit a couple DM-needed walls.
@Latok said in We need more admins and storytellers:
There are a ton of plots that can be pursued without a DM and with a DM IG
There's a big difference between pursuing plots in Arabel with no DMs and pursuing plots without a DM ig
I was on vacation last 2 weeks, and my father has been very ill in the hospital this past week. Thats three weeks I have been unavailable (maybe more with the weeks before vacation I was stressing and preparing for it...)
I am still around and will help pick things up definitely asap. My dad looks to be getting better so less stress now in that regard.
@Salem Glad to hear your Dad is feeling better.
I started back to work this week in a very high-stress scenario, so my time has been limited but I'm not AWOL, I promise.
It’s summer. Quarantine has lifted for many. We appreciate the feedback but not anytime soon.
Alright! And yeah, I that's great that your father's health is lookin up, Salem :)
I would like to point out however, @Prof-Misclick that the only DM that's listed as an IG DM is Puffy and she just got very busy with her job.
To be completely fair, and I don't mean this as an insult to all of your hard work, 1 DM assigned to IG EVERYTHING is a surefire way to have a single point of failure. I get this is a high stress time for everyone and the world is slowly opening back up from quarantine but that doesn't remove the age old 7-P's.
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance.
We need people IG or we're going to end up with a dead server again. We had so much momentum and potential. Also... discounting everything people have to say, especially when we have had multiple mass exoduses over the last few months, is probably another reason why things died down. When our BEST numbers are in the high teens, losing 5 people is a big deal and maybe we shouldn't be so quick to discount their feedback.
@Latok Chill, hon. You were a storyteller, once. You know the demands it takes. Don't be so quick to throw shade here, alright?
I also offered to help out multiple times in the past and was instead blatantly ignored or yelled at until I left the server for months on end. Instead I became the go to vent person for ever player quitting the server or taking a break, trying desperately to convince them not to leave.
And to be completely honest, you could have 20 storytellers and it would help but it wouldn't fix the main issue we are currently facing, based on the vents I have received. One DM running all NPC's, Plots, progression, and politics in the server means there is a single point of failure and leaves Puffy no wiggle room to balance her real life and the needs of the server. She shouldn't have to, and can't effectively do it without help.
Also, @Echo you haven't had anything but snark for me in every post or message you've given me, running me off the server more than once. I'm an adult, not one of your school students. I really don't appreciate it, especially when I make a post (not this one but others) commending your hard work but confiding my problems and I get clapped back with snide comments.
Ok. This just went from a useful conversation to something else.
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