Greater Shadow Conjuration - Web applies speed penalty until rest
Area name: Bug occurred in the Haunted Tower in Southhorn
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Server Version: 220727 Spiffy 7647
Screen Shot: N/A
Issue Description: Greater Shadow Conjuration - Web has two issues.-
When suffering the movement speed penalty from the spell it stays, even after leaving the casting area. It only goes away after resting.
Not sure if a bug but I have boots which grant immunity to Web but they didn't work for Greater Shadow Conjuration - Web.
Immunity isn't a bug, I don't think, as it's part of the benefit of the spells being shadow conjurations.
The slow thing, might be that you just didn't trigger the leaving area thing. May not be consistent, or you may have left the aoe in an odd way.
If this could be tested to see if it happens every time all the time that would help
I can confirm its reliably repeatable on PCs and NPCs
I've cast it on several people and NPCs in testing and every time, without dispel or rest, the slow persists. Stat and save modifications don't, though.
Does that happen with none shadow web?
the few times I've stepped in it, no.
Not that I've observed, no.
Shouldn't be too bad to fix then as I should be able to just copy the code over
The effect is dispellable.
I don't know if that helps.