As it has been said in discord, a lot of the stuff for tinkering was never implemented for balance reasons. Right now Tinkering seems pretty much trapmaking only, with "support" for stuff people really ask for.
It looks like you thought of adding lockpicks to be crafted, and that seems like a good idea for all the various wire types cause frankly they make 4 wires per a ingot, and only one set of gears per ingot so you end up with all sorts of wire you usually end up just throwing away cause you cannot even sell it.
Currently there is Wire in copper, tin, iron, and platinum, it would be in line with tinkering to make lockpicks with the wire with Copper Wire for +1, Tin for +2, Iron for +3, and Platinum for +6. This would keep +10 kits in the store as it is now and make tinkering a bit more useful for more than just traps.
To help put it in perspective, by the time I even needed to make anything but a trap, all other things I could make were trivial to do. No other crafting seems to be this way.
Sure. Write up some recipe suggestions!
Item recipe level Materials needed -
Copper Wire x4 +1 kit
Tin Wire x4 +3 kit
Iron Wire x4 +6 kit
Platinum Wire x4 +8 kit
[edited to match the +amount to what is in game]
The 4 wires would represent the ring, and the three tools on the ring. (based on the image for thieves tools)Still makes +10 kits only purchasable IG.
an idea wrt the wires and "twisting them into a multiflexed ring" to make low grade thief buff ring items, for ol/pp/dt/st just +1 or +2 on stats but variable dependant on type. would give a greater tier variablity as more potetnial items i was thinking.
Thieves tools added v7514