Emergency measures
I've took immedate steps to stop this bloody insanity consuming the city and every village in the region. I doubt there much we can do to stop them fighting each other in earnest at this point, but the last thing we want in every merc in the region blowing up the Guilded District in a massed brawl.
Obvously we need a more refined approch to dealing with this ... thoughts?
Seek me out at once.
Dame Drakebane
We shall attempt to sway Lord Misrim to meet us on a neutral battlefield of fair chosing, to minimize any casualties of war, at a fixed time, so that needless bloodshed and destruction of the land does not occur.Dawnsquire Stillwater
Dawnsquire, would you just like to simply draw lots to see who wins? You think us so simple?
We have fortifications and strong defenses. You wish to take that advantage away. We are not looking for war. But if you bring it, you must bring it. You will be responsible for all the suffering that a war brings. Keep that in your calculations.
Also, how does the 12 take one side in this without a discussion or vote? Remove your poster Julian.
Raven Arn Targon
Based on suggestion from Raven Arn Targon, a revised version.
The Council of Twelve does not support war within the Kingdom, these measures are to protect those not involved.
Any violence in the name of Tilverton or Eveningstar within a bowshot of Arabel will be considered treason. When in doubt if one side was trying to ambush the other or a mutual fight was taking place, we will simple deem all to be guilty.
Property damage in settlements other than Tilverton or Eveningstar because of violent conflict between the two parties will be fined 10 times the worth of the damage done or 10,000 coin... whichever is larger.
All these measures are temporary and subject to change.
Council of Twelve
Councilor Toussaint,
The Precept will discuss the measures and return with a consensus.
True Bloodhound Ydira
Councilor Toussaint,
The Precept Arcanum approve these measures.
True Bloodhound Ydira -
It is the to the amusement of his grace that he deigns to inform you all that the battle shall not place on any of his majesty’s territories.
Clerk Joshua
This entire ordeal has gotten out of hand and has been handled with utter disrespect to the Church of the Morning, by this very council. The notion that this is a war between two cities in the king, that it is a petty rivalry between nobles, is quite honestly offensive. These “safety measures” are the acts of fence sitting bureaucrats, not valiant defenders of the country you call home.You have been lured into some vivid tale, created by one of the masterminds behind an elaborate plan to bring Tilverton to greatness, at the expense of the stability of the Nation, and at the cost of Eveningstar.
Eveningstar was deliberately attacked by the forces of Tilverton. It has been carried out by Pierre, Arn and Kincaid of the Ravens. Arn Targon is on purpose playing the role of a “betrayed peace maker”. How do I know this? Because it is part of the files brought to us the resistance inside Tilverton. He has been instrumental to this plan, has taken part of it, and you eat up his lies as if they were a feast upon the table of the highest of nobles.
This is not a war between Eveningstar and Tilverton. This is the church of Lathander, and the Order of Aster, standing up for our people. Your people. Your fellow countrymen. To stop Tilverton from further aggression. To hinder their tyranny to spread further. And to stop the horrible treatment of their serfs.
Of course we will not see innocents bleed for this. Of course we will not bring this conflict into the streets of Arabel. And of course we will do our outmost to see this handled with as little bloodshed as possible.
We are a faith of redemption, renewal and life. Not a force of destruction.
Dawnsquire Evelyn Stillwater
Are you saying this is a Holy war between the Church of Lathander and the Black Chalice?
True Bloodhound Ydira
His Majesty has already permitted them to do battle and has instructed the Council of 12 to select a suitable site of battle by which he and his court may watch.
Neutral parties will be expected to defend his liege if they attend to watch the conflict as well.
Clerk Joshua
@spiffymeister Clerk Joshua,
Suitable ground is tricky to find if we wish to keep this conflict away from our uninvolved citizens. The best location I can think of on short notice is the following:
Between thee unfinished Castle Crag and the Town of Ruins, to the east, within the plains and hills located there. Although the Castle construction is not yet completed, for of course should be off limit to the two battling parties, it can make for a good location for observers.
Another suggestion would be the Stonelands, even though it is contested lands. I suppose it could be a way to increase presence there and claim land.
A suggestion was brought to me concerning this conflict. It could be solved in a tournament if they so wished. Each side chooses three champions to battle within an arena. Each side speak their demands should they win before the battle starts. This would of course be a battle to the death. The casualty would be to a minimum on both side.
Anyhow. If war is their wish, then these are my current suggestions of locations. Further study of the terrain will be needed if neither are suitable.
True Bloodhound Ydira
The Gnoll Pass. Their forces gather in Slingdyke, ours in Tiverton. When the sending is made, we make our way. We will engage south of the Last Red Raven watch post (Goblins Quest), but north of the where the gnolls are the heaviest.(Gives one map, choke holds, ambushes and retreats to fall back to for both sides. Leaving the map takes you out, the claimable base could be where the wounded are take off the field to go.)
Raven Arn Targon
@orin1234 @Shadowfax
There is a lovely meadow near the Redwoods. An open field, where the King, as he has demanded, can have a view of the entire ordeal.Dawnsquire Stillwater
The Mayor of Redspring has expressed their dismay of having a battle near their village, and wishes for the location to be elsewhere.
Clerk Johnson
The Mayor of Redspring's dismay is shared. Endangering the village is out of the question. On top of that, the Redwoods serve as a barrier against the Helmlands. Surely any weakening of the forest would see the devastation of these twisted lands spread further south.
As For your suggestion, Raven Targon, would not using the gnoll pass put the trade route at risk? This would be detrimental to the Capitol, and many of the southern towns of the country.
Keeping the conflict out of the reach of local towns and villages is the reason I suggested the hills between Crag Castle, The Tower of Ruins and the Immerflow. The castle, although still under construction, would still be ideal for his Majesty to use as an observation post.
Both parties can use the hills north of Hillmarch, far enough from the town not to endanger it. They can use the edge of the mountain between the castle and the tower, and the terrain all the way east to the river. There should be plenty of inhabited ground there for them to conduct their way.
The stonelands was an alternative that would keep this conflict well away from the innocents and the farmlands, though the parties would need to deal with the local bandits. Perhaps the winner could claim a portion of the land there once this war is over.
True Bloodhound Ydira
While the threat of the Bedine tribes and encroaching abberations of the Helmlands are a threat I would keep any such conflict away from either the Stonelands or Helmlands else both forces risk of falling prey to harrying bedine forces or potential enthrallment to the Beholderkind.
I believe the TrueBloodhouns suggestion north of Hillmarch does carry most merit currently.
-Loreseeker Eshan of the fallenstars.
Fix the posters with the disrespectful tone. Now as you said you would, Julian. Or are all paladin's words as flimsy as Stillwater's?
As for a place, there is no place we can go that will not have a negative impact somehow. Stonelands and Helmlands are no place to bring the King, Queen and the Duke. Too risky. Forests will just anger the druids. Since this "war" now is just a skirmish, trade will not be permanently damaged. I still think my suggestion is the best. To quote Stillwater herself from words she and I shared at the palace. "...you are the smartest man in the room...."
See my dear, I can take things out of contexts and make the truth lie like you do.
Raven Arn Targon
The Precept stands with its suggestion.
It is far enough away from Slingdyke, Hillmarch and Halfhap not to drag them into the conflict, the Castle will be safe for his Majesty to observe the field and it will not hinder any trade routes or worsen any local area of their troubles.
Unless anyone else has a better suggestion, let us put it up to a vote?
Councilor Toussaint,
There has been no objections to your amended terms. I believe it is safe to say you may update them to the public, if it is not already done.True Bloodhound Ydira
Councilor Toussaint