Ice Caves needs higher XP/GP payout
Module version: 7421
Quest name: Ice Palace Caves
Quests giver: Frost Giants' Cave
ZQA: ZQA: Stormhorns: Ice palace, Exterior
Level range: 7-10
Party requirements: 3+
Number of people that did the quest: 4
Party composition with levels: stronk
Quest turn in gp and xp: 100 xp, 200 GPFinally turns in! Needs way higher rewards for probably THE hardest quest on the server. Would recommend 500 xp + 1000 GP per person given its difficulty and consumption.
Loot ok though?
All 7-10 should have the same pay out in exp/gold. More a bug
In that case, could probably then use an uptick in loot containers at the end. It IS the hardest quest in the server.
Has 1 low, 1 med, and 1 high chest at the end.
Maybe 2 mediums, or just a (high?) potion cabinet chest would help out.
(The loot has some of the top end quest loot stats on it for sure)
@zool yeah, agreed. Maybe a high portion cabinet
- XP and GP reward set to match the other 7-10 quests.
Prof. Misclick
Prof. Misclick