Bugged Base - Putrid
Area name: ZZA: High Road, Putrid Meadow
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Server Version: 7383
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Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/Issue Description: Lever for accessing the claimable base is on the outside of the base, instead of inside which means anyone can enter/unlock it.
@sharkinajar Yeah I'm looking at this now but I'm not sure where to put the lever. If I put it on the other side of the door, then no one can ever claim the base. Need to ask @Zool or @Puffy since one of them (I think) designed these areas.
@echo I'm pretty sure it's claimable, the door should open for people if no one's taken it for the past couple weeks or something I thought? That the door will automatically unlock.
@sharkinajar OK yeah. Moved the lever.