Dwarf Battlecry song can be played by Non Dwarves
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Server Version:7273
Screen Shot:My Human Bard can use UMD to use the Dwarven Battlecry song sheet, which I can then play to full effect despite not being a dwarf. the script is apparently supposed to prevent this.
I think the UMD is just that low because there ARE UMD requirements for certain bard songs such as Celestial Concerto which is only usable by good - I used to not be able to use it, but now that I'm at my level with a higher UMD I can. I have no idea if this applies to only usable by races.
It should say in the description DO NOT UMD etc. Below is a screenshot
This song is:
- Only usable by Dwarf
- Only usable by Pure Bard
Regardless of whether the script is handling the restrictions properly, please abide by the OOC description and do not use it outside the allowed parameters.
Thanks for asking for confirmation and reporting this.
Happy Gaming!
There was no "Do not UMD" message on the song when I had it, at least that i saw. Hence why i reported it as a bug and got rid of the song sheet
It should say it, if it doesn't its a bug :)