Frozen War Turnin is wrong
Area name: ZQA: Storm Horns: SharkforgotToCheck something Frozen
Issue Location:
Quest Name: Frozen War
Store Name:
NPC Name:
NPC Location: 7268
Server Version:
Screen Shot:
Time: War gives the wrong turnin text and I think the wrong payout/xp ratio as well.
@SpiffyMeister is this from your new quest?
That's been like that when I've done the quest previously, wasn't sure if it was referencing the horde of kobolds there. Did mean to bug report it, sorry I forgot.
The gold on turn in is the same as we've received in the past, thought that was due to the consumable and loot drops being plentiful.
the frozen war had this bug forever and i keep forgetting to fix it lol
[4:21 PM] Spiffy|Inactive: @Echo I think I fixed it already