Unable to scribe Larloch's Lesser Unliving Bomb
Area name: Probably everywhere
Issue Location: Inventory
Quest Name: NA
Store Name: NA
NPC Name: NA
NPC Location: NA
Server Version: Unkown/old
Screen Shot:
Time:Issue Description:
Back in the summer I could not create a scroll of Larloch's Lesser Unliving Bomb using imbuing system. I am not sure if it is still an issue now, but Spiffy thinks it probably is. The reason I am not posting under bug reports: imbuing system is that I think the problem is the spell cannot be cast on a blank scroll. I am posting now because there are players interested in playing a necromancer.
That is interesting.
It does indeed seem that some of the custom spells cannot be cast at an item, they are just greyed out if you try to use the radial menu.
Must be something weird about them in the 2da. Will have to compare the ones that work with the ones that don't and figure it out.
@Zool i will look into this if you cannot
@SpiffyMeister Go ahead.
I think I found the issue.
Maybe fixed v7329