Buffalo are a little much.
Hey I get that buffalo should be strong but could we take them down a notch?
If nothing else their hp should probably be like a 1/4 less than it currently is.
Ideally they should probably be less powerful in all aspects of life.
Also probably shouldn't even show up in Deadwell either. I don't run from zombies or curst or most spirits and witches. But I do run from these motherfuckers.
I talked to the other DMs and these animals have been modified to be far less powerful.
Dropped a few levels, very minor stat changes, and their base HP are lower (mostly due to the lower levels they are)
Ur a hero zool. And so am I for bringing the buffalo to near extinction.
They also shouldn't be on mountains. They're a plains creature according to my Pokedex.
Locations is a totally different thing, they spawn from CARES, which has a table- so, we'd have to potentially make a new table, that has everything the current one has, but not Buffalos, to be used in the places it shouldn't be, then one with them in, for places it should be, and this seems like a lot of work for a buffalo.
Humans cast fireballs. Dinosaurs walk the planet. Gods were just recently kicked out of the house and walked around the backyard. Consider them part of a fearsome subset.... the dreaded FROST BUFFALO. :D
Low priority to adjust the cares tables for at the moment.
Happy Gaming.
next on National Geo:Arabel The Majestic Sewer Buffalo!
@Orin1234 Perfectly reasonable