Stonelands Security - Reports
At the heart of the stonelands is a secret outpost of the White Horde. My company and I believe this to be a staging area for attacks on Arabel, quite possibly it exists to protect caravans to and from Tilverton through some unseen route. The main camp has a large wall and gate protecting it with what appears to be a rune-circle of magical wards. Likely protecting the camp from divination. This is why it has been so hard for us to find White Horde encampments. We took the camp from behind through a narrow passageway. Our team of Kirin, Reaaz, Commander Keline, and Selifrey divided and took the camp by surprise, wiping out nearly forty White Horde warriors.
I then completed a ritual to Lathander to purify the site at the once sacrificial alter of the White Horde.
Our collective joined forces in a great burning of the huge White Horde standard. A prayer to the Light and the New Dawn was completed at his holy hour, 6:00AM.
Glory to the Light, absolution was given unto the heathens...
Dawnknight Myrkyr,
I have great news to report. We discovered an ancient sword trapped in a tall stone within the Gnoll Pass. The inscription was faded and covered by time but what we did make out was "At Dawn, Face the Sun."
We waited till dawn, and dressed in only the sheath of the Light, I gripped the blade and pulled it forth with all my strength.
The blade, I'm afraid, shattered.
It was generations old, Nanthleenee suspects perhaps thousands. I wonder though- as the shards still glow with Lathanders Illumination, could it be reforged?
There is an ancient temple in the desert, called the ruins of Azamander, which holds many secrets behind riddles.. I will endeavor to use this place to help reforge the sword in the name of the New Dawn.
I will petition our faithful allies, the Elves of Arabel, in hopes that they might join me in this task.
A gem, the Gem of Maluradek, set in the hilt of this ancient sword, the shards of history of lathander used to imbue it with great power, and a forging of friendship between Elf and Man, between Land and Sun, a promise to never forget our kin - and to never betray the Light.
I will keep the shards and pieces on my person until such a time that the song of the elves, the heat of a holy furnace, may marry together and rebuild what was.
-Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry
@Puffy @Prof-Misclick -
The blade I've named "Laam Wilaml," elvish for "New Dawn."
I have collected the scales of a dragonborn to enrich the blade.
I have spoken to Selifrey, despite the situation, she still wishes to aid in completing the blade, and her courage to approach me on this makes me think it is righteous.
All that is left, is to find a day to make our journey.
-Dawnknight Appleberry.
Several nights ago while deep beyond the Gnolls pass in the lakes of salt and sand known as the Stonelands, my company and I, Saralynne, Fang Ashwood, and Luckbringer Ottilie found a strange sight;
A caravan cut down by goblins and kobolds.
With the recent events, the Ghosts of Cormyr have been striking hard against the White Witch. We believe the Witch has ordered the White Horde to strike back.
What we saw was a bedine person whom was struck by dozens of arrows, and a Cowled Gentlemen not far by. Perhaps this was a Ghost of Cormyr? We cannot know for sure. Nor can we know if he aided the Bedine, or murdered him.
We have only this, a simple piece of fine Green Silk which was clutched tightly by the bedine..
[a piece of green silk included in the report]
Every last goblin was slain.. This day also produced other odd findings, a statue of two women protecting a Sun Idol, surrounded by three monstrous black dragons. The Idol drew power from the sun, and we believe it was meant to fend off the monsters in the dark.
-Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry
[The Dawnsquire eases into a chair, his large form and heavy weight testing the limits of the wooded chair. He puts quill in hand and focuses on the work ahead of him. Pressed firmly and in neat writing it reads...]
Two days ago we were made aware of Islyn's disappearance. With the finest green silk found in the harsh desert, we ventured far into the stonelands and found a portal. Those present for our trusted task mentioned it not being as it was. It seemed the White Witch took it upon herself in using both transmutation and conjuration to redirect the portal to another, secure location. That was not all.. It was powerfully guarded by powerful wards, yet.. When the less powerful disjunctions were used, it dismantled it and allowed us to pass freely.
Upon entering there was every variety of golem to stand in our wake, advanced in combat and detecting intruders. We set the alarm off and began getting collapsed upon. With no way out, we only looked forward and fought our way there until finding where Lady Islyn was being held. A -Giant- sized abomination of the weave guarded the same room and gods knows what else it was responsible for. Of course we tried fighting it but it was no task for the blade, those of the line only sought to buy time once we found out it's strength was tied to what was holding the Lady in place.
After all was said and done, I helped carry to lady to safety with the help of our comrades. It seems the church is indebted to. In the other files I report today you will find various topics on what to request of the nonbelievers. Those present have agreed to stay silent with the exception of Fang Kirin. It is of easy assumption, she told the first peer of the events that unfolded.
The light is the way,
-Dawnsquire Tiatus Thornwind -
[Unwavering in his dedication, he writes a following report on a separate matter..]
Following the events of saving Lady Lslyn. We ventured out to the portal that led us to her. Upon arrival we found the portal back to it's original design. Rismente of Misrim brought to our attention something he was delivered and was expecting. He told us it would aid -him- in finding more of the ancient ruins below. This item, this.. Relic was a ancient talisman of Amaunator. I tried to barter, to collect the relic in our possession but every attempt ended fruitless. We came to agreement we would readily help him find these ruins.
After discussing with the retainer, we jumped into the portal where it led us to puzzles and ancient ruin within. There were many lethal traps of both fire and blade but the most important thing of note.. Was halls dedicated in respects to Amanautor. It was troubling to find out, it may have been twisted by evil into something far worse. We found a pit.. A void of vile darkness. Both I and Dawnknight Appleberry leaped forth into the unknown and slain many a vile shady creatures until no more dare come into our light. Treasure was found and out comrades well rewarded.
[A rough sketch then follows of what they discovered..]The light is the way,
-Dawnsquire Tiatus Thornwind. -
Date: 1/24/2021
Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry, Dawnsquire Tiatus Thornwind, Fang Kirin Ashewood, Exchequer Osco Appleblossom, Holy Strategist Keline, Great Druid Nanthleenee, Aerlalorn of MystraDescription of Event:
An Awakened of the Order of Aster and a Dawnlord were meant to arrive from Suzail with delicate information. An unsuspected attack occurred in Deadwell which resulted in the Dawnlord missing, however a note was spirited away through the brave actions of the Awakened. The note was a single word; "Hilthal" known to myself as a desert deep within the Stonelands, where the Portal to the Ruins of Amazandar reside. The Awakened informed us that they had received information from a ridable source (speculation: Cormyrian intelligence) that a high value hostage was being kept there. Several days prior to this a caravan was found raided with a fine piece of silk, green, like that of house Misrim. This lead us to confirm our long held suspicion made by Exchequer Osco Appleblossom that Lady Islyn Misrim was not who she seems. This also gave reason as to the attack sent by Obyn Misrim who attempted to end the life of the would-be imposter some months ago.We're unsure of the unfolding of events, if Obyn was involved in the kidnapping of his sister, or if the White Witch intended her as insurance of Obyns' cooperation.
We can confirm however via our own first hand reports, that Obyn has been looking for something within the sands of the Stonelands. We had thought it some kind of method of controlling the witch, but perhaps it was Islyn all along, a method of the Witch controlling Obyn.
The assault was not carefully planned. It was a race against time with trusted allies proving their support of the Order of Aster. We took great care in assembling our allies. Exchequer Appleblossom was an obvious choice as he of our party likely knew the most of Lady Misrim and could aid us. Next was the Great Druid Nanthleenee, a known friend of Lady Misrim. Fang Ashewood - was necessary, as her extensive Stonelands research has proven critical in the past, and as we only had some basic information regarding the Hithal Ruins, we needed an expert. Proving to gain her trust was difficult, though in the end she showed when she was needed. Ex-commander of the Council, Keline and Aerlalorn the Mystran Elvish Paladin have long been supporters of our cause against the White Horde and hesitated little in joining us without question.
We attempted to disguise our approach however the Stonelands are fickle in their ways. We were lucky, high winds and sands disguised our approach. Nanthleenee stated the whole of the Stonelands: Hilthal felt tainted and unnatural beneath her feet. This we can only assume, was an illusion we'd lifted over the desert by having the fabric of Lady Misrim. Three layers of magic were laid in place at the Portal which generally led to the Ruins of Amazandar. Several Anuaria stones were placed in a square around it/ Green ruins of magic unknown to us laid around it. Fang Ashewood attempted to breach the portal with several enchantments, even a "Spell Breach" spell, all of which failed.
Until she used a spell, "LESSER" spell breach, which dismantled one of the wards. (suspicion: The White Witch has evolved so far beyond our level of magical knowledge that simpler spells, dispel, lesser spell breach are considered infantile and unnecessary to protect against.)
Still, several of these spells were needed to break the barrier, and once the true portal was revealed, we were onset by the White Horde in strength.
We fought back the horde, then jumped into the portal, arriving in a strange stone lain tower.
The defenses in place were contructs warded to a level where we could not harm them. Flesh Golems, Iron Golems, Helmed Horrors and warning systems in place. These are the tools of a master of the art. These are what we must expect when facing the White Witch at her full strength.
At the end of a cavern of corridors and defenses, we found a singular ritual room with a huge Iron Golem blocking the door. The Golem was near impossible to touch, nevertheless, Tiatus and mine self charged forth. We had hoped a distraction of the beast might allow others to pass. The battle was hard fought, and I was thrust against the wall - thought to be slain. I awoke in a stupor, dazed by the incredible blow, and watched as Dawnsquire Tiatus Thornwind toppled the Construct. It was his blade alone, mildly enhanced by electricity, that could wound it.
Special note: Iron Golems are weak to electricity.
Beyond the yawning chasm laid a monstrosity that spoke word pained to the very ears. Its essence and being an abomination to magic. It held our prize in a set of magical wreath of ward and chain. Lady Islyn Misrim, trapped in some kind of shield of magic. We battled the creature, which towered like the size of a giant. It made all sorts of horrendous claim, as if Isyln was his by ownership. That it had been abandoned. We did not attempt to reason with said creature. I gave order for Osco to get the Lady out, and we all engaged. Again, it seems, the spell sharper than the steel. None of us could wound the being of magic. It was found in some way to this place. It wasn't until a stray dispel struck Islyn that we noted the creature weakening. Dispel magic broke down the wards set in place binding the creature to Isyln.
After Lady Misrim was completely dispelled, the creature could be harmed, and we made our way through its unholy being like a lumberjack in summer.
Lady Misrim was then spirited away to Eveningstar, to regain her faculties at the House of the Morning.
Special notes after our conclusion: Exchequer Osco Appleblossom has been seen pacing outside our door for several days without sleep, awaiting the arise of his lord. I spoke with him at length, and encouraged he take time to rest at the Lonesome Tankard. He is a true and loyal man to Lady Misrim, a woman he's never truly met. We spoke long into the night, and he claimed to want to sort out which of the Retainers of House Misrim were loyal to him. I had ventured to offer a time for him to do this, during my Supper with the False Islyn Misrim. He will begin to speak with her retainers whilst she is distracted by my company. Osco also wishes to send word to Obyn Misrim via a question, likely in person, through the Hunters Union of Arabel which extends to Tilverton:
Oscos words for Obyn Misrim: "What would you do if your sister were safe and free?"
Indicated Organization:
The White Horde, and the White WitchResolution:
Lady Islyn Misrim has been rescued and is kept safely within the House of the Morning.
Lord Jastyne notified by Fang Ashewood. -