Lately it seems to have become a fad with certain players to use IRC to criticize the actions of other players, of certain plots or storylines, or of characters. It's often phrased in the form of a joke or made off-hand, as if the passive nature makes it any better. It's almost always done by players who have not managed to get involved in a storyline in a meaningful way, and who are therefore criticizing something without having any idea whatsoever what happened.
Let me make it clear that passive aggressive bullshit from a place of ignorance is no different than outright aggressive bullshit from a place of knowledge. If you're jealous of what other players have accomplished, get in the game and do something instead of sitting in IRC commiserating with the other people who haven't managed to accomplish anything.
This game is old and I play it to have fun. I sit in IRC to chat with the people who I play this game with (or have played this game with in the case of ex-players). I've considered avoiding IRC again because a few jaded players think it's fun to criticize other players. I've decided not to do that and instead to start banning assholes from IRC at the first sign of being assholes.
Harry is totally McScarry. And he's also totally McRight. In one my seldom mass communication attempts, I'm going to also demand that speaking OOC of plotlines and asking OOC questions about plots and other IC knowledge in IRC is stopped. It is total lame to find out all you can OOC about something and then hop into a character and pretend you know nothing about it, but in reality know a lot about it, which puts you in a good position to manipulate and claim plausable deniability IC while being guilty OOC.
So stop talking about IC plots in IRC.
I've not been logging into main channel IRC for this very reason.