Underground: Forgotten Tunnels rather empty
Explored them alone today and only found 3 gem nodes and 2 ore node. Also, only 2 spawns of kobolds and one of spiders.
I would suggest adding more nodes, especially in the deeper sections. Making it worth wandering around in there. Its a big area after all, and most of the nodes were at the start.
Also, seems some of the previous spawns are no longer working. Used to be gorgons and gnolls in here. Maybe I did not get them to spawn, being alone? It would be fun for this place to be a bit more crowded to bring people for some hunting and a fun challenge.
Sounds.. interesting!
Here’s an idea/question (sorry if this has been asked before): Is it possible to have secret doors act as a rare spawn? I.e., create a small area with an extra challenge/reward that can only be reached via a secret door - but that door only spawns as a useable door/access one out of 10 times or so, based on some variable like blackberry bushes, etc.. Other times, you might still find it but it’s „hopelessly broken“.
Needing some kind of special reagent might also work - but doing too many of those might just end up rewarding OOC server-knowledge.
@theminionofarabel RNG? Will check the variables when I get home.
most of the CNR resources spawned near the icy part and one lone node of ore just as you get to the giant crystal part.
Everywhere else was empty.
Spawn wise, one was near the yellow crystal arrangement (the spiders) and the kobolds were one spawn just right of the entrance, and the other one all the way out in a corner of the sand part.
Might be I did not trigger much of them but pretty sure there used to be more. Maybe since the beholder were removed some of the CARES got bugged?
Area updated, be warned VERY DANGEROUS
Also updates the CNR resources to be more profitable and more of them spawning -