Sunken Ship Quest
The Sunken ship quest's only loot is a bunch of minor prestige items. It would be nice to see some more flavourful/suiting loot in this quest.
@bowser Then the loot waypoints arent working properly because the chests are full of pirate-themed stuff. Or maybe you got a bad roll?
I havent seen anything yet either, from the last… 3 attempts. Could just be bad luck. -
@echo It's been like this over multiple resets, I've done it at least 5 times I'd say.
Will check the waypoint variables next time I do mod work unless someone else gets to it first.
@echo check for the bDoNotDestroy variable.
I noticed the high chest on some other quest had been destroyed the other day, so it's possible some were copy pasted that didn't have that var on.
another fix attempted v7484