Baleful Polymorph Wandable
Spell Name: baleful Polymorph
Imbuing Type: wand Crafting
Store Name:
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Server Version: 7425
Screen Shot:
Time: Description: circle 5 custom spell is wandable.
@sharkinajar Sounds awesome.
Is it not meant to be?
@zool no, lol. Wand crafting is up to 4th circle, and that is an instant win wand. That's like having Finger of Death on a Wand that can't be blocked by death ward
@sharkinajar It doesn't have a save?
It absolutely has a save. From a wand I think it was DC 14? Even from a caster (non transmutation spec) I think it was 17 or 18.
@arcanigans Yeah, item saves SUCK
(Something I could like to fix, but it's a massive kettle of fish)
@zool it has a save yes. But no spells that block it. It functions basically as a death spell, but without death ward to block it. It's kind of like Stone to Flesh as well, though that has Protection from Petrification.
Even so, it's a circle 5 spell so it shouldn't be wandable.
@sharkinajar If that's the rule, then cool bug - it'll get put on the list. Cheers (I didn't know)
(Should be an easy fix for anyone looking into this - there should be a container with all the craftable wands in it, just take the item that corresponds to this out - or there might be a variable that disables it which would be better than deleting it, in case we want to use it later so we dont have to remake it)
I mean dc14 fort save is pretty easy to beat
Let the chickening commence
- Removed from craft wand table.