Adding more jewellery to the crafting tables
With especially rings and to some extend necklaces being in very limited supply from the general loot tables, I suggest we add some more, and especially some without a natural light source.
It wont break the current levels of loot, but it will give some more options, which would be neat.
I am thinking:
Rings or amulets with addtional spellslots for lvl 1 or lvl 2 for the various classes: paladin, ranger, wizard, sorc, bard and druid.
Basic +1 to a save (reflex, will or fort), or +2 vs disease, fear, mind affecting etc.
+1 to various skills (similar to what most other items offer)The above wont break the balance in any way, but will offer something useful to craft, and will remove the lack of these types of loot being dropped on quests.
Or, we could just remove the light sources from the crafted items.
Only two pieces that don't have light on are the gold onyx ring and silver onyx necklace. Some more for the sneaks might be nice.
Maybe higher tier rings with bonus save and x/day cantrip dependant on gem type.
I would like to see more rings available in particular given that most of them are pretty low skill and don't offer much in the way of useful stats. Amulets for rangers would also be nice.
I suppose I also wouldn't be against removing the light attributes from a lot of them. It's a pretty minor thing for most classes but it basically means any stealth class just can't wear them or they take huge penalties.
The light sources are a real headache. Removing them would be a huge boon.
Chuck a charge of that... persistent light spell thing on it.
Would only be white light but still, means you can add it yourself if you want.