Regarding Player Naming Conventions
Player Naming Conventions
Please use proper names though creativity and thematic flair for race, etc. are encouraged.
17a. Names that are literary, real life, cinematic figures, etc. are not permitted.
17b. Name that have rank, title or honorific are not permitted
17c. Names that replicate NPCs (Commoner, Beggar, etc.) are not permitted
17d. Names associated with named NPCs in the setting are not permitted
17e. Improper names such as The Necromancer, etc. are not permitted.This is a pointless and nigh impossible rule to implement, as evident from the fact that at least one app made it through where the name contained a pop culture reference. There are better things to spend your time and energy on than being fun police in a fantasy roleplaying server in a setting which liberally rips off customs, mythology, and names from existing real life cultures.
Quality of roleplay (including the thought put into a character's backstory and motivations) are what matter, not whether their name might be a reference to pop culture. I can rattle off any number of pop culture figures who'd make fantastic DnD characters.
Considering I've seen many players do this already, yeah just get rid of the rule honestly.
Maybe a better framing of the rule is-
"Names that directly reference or rip off characters from other genres in a not-so-subtle fashion, such as Gandalf, Cartman from South Park, or "Master Chief" from halo. Please do not add epithets to your name without discussing with a DM, such as "Sir Lionel of Eveningstar," or, "King Hardwood," "Count Barbarus" etc...
It's just not consistently enforceable because it relies on the Admins having knowledge of an extremely wide breadth of pop culture references and/or other players policing this. Imo as long as it's not a direct carbon copy and it is roleplayed properly it shouldn't matter.
yea i agree
Just don’t name your pc frodo baggins or samwise gamgie
Or a tomb raiding ftr/rogue named laura croft
You need inspiration? Look here.
If you select in the search function by meanings/definition, its pretty neat. You wanna play a big strong character? Then find him a name that means strong! That waster genasi? Look for names that mean water.Its easy to find a proper name. One that is not a very well known character. And title can only be given by DMs. Simple.
Candlekeep forum has alot of references to actual cormyrian names.
Otherwise, search for whatever class you are playing on forgotten realms wiki, and grab a first and surname from actual FR characters (as in, a first name from one, a last name from another).
In essence, I agree.
In practice, we're a roleplaying server, and the very nature of roleplaying servers requires some level of "fun police" otherwise it'd just be full of OOC communication and metagaming etc.
The question is simply where the line is.
We draw the line pretty clearly with IC/OOC(mostly) because we can all easily agree we don't really thinks it's roleplaying to have your character say "lol, dat gobbo got owned, crittastic baby trololololol" and such like
This is another thing like that, but it's simply not as extreme.
We have to be able to put down rulings on these kinds of things, it's the nature of a roleplaying server, there are others which have different points that line is drawn at, and completely none roleplay servers too.
Bottom line is this:
Someone has to decide where the line is.
Those someones are the DM team. Principally, the admins.
The DM Team aren't perfect or encyclopedias, as pointed out, and evidenced. This means there will be things that get missed, and decisions some people don't agree with.If a player dislikes the rule(ings), that's their right, but they have two choices:
- accept it and adapt to it
- play somewhere else.
We prefer 1. But 2 is there.