Starwater Tomb
The elven statues frequently hit for 20 damage and in one corner of the tomb they spawned a group of 4 at once, in addition to the 2 already in the room.
The Elven Bandit Leader has dual weapons with an attack bonus of +15 on his main hand and +14 on his off hand. He also frequently hits for 15+ damage a hit with his lighter weapons.
Rest of the quest seems good but I can see this quest shredding a party of level 6's pretty quickly. To put things in perspective I had DR, Barks, bulls, endurence, grace, and the app perks that I won't put on here for now and the elven leader and group of 6 statues shredded me. Managed to get away but the elven leader followed me across the transition and wrecked me. He also has +1 weapons so he can break DR
v7004 Professor
Elven Statues
- Lowered damage potential and AB
- Lowered HP
- Minor increase to AC
- Lowered the minimum number that will spawn
Bandit Leader
- Lowered damage potential and AB
- Lowered HP
- Minor increase to AC
- Tweaked feats
Kept the +1 Weapons as part of the challenging nature of a 6-9 quest.
Bumping this one- Half Orc Bandits have 18/13 AB and can probably 1shot most people with a crit.
Half-Orc Bandits have been removed. They are outside our desired challenge parametres. If you come across anymore anywhere please advise.
They spawned on our run 2 days ago. Dunno if they were a “recent” removal.
@Latok said in Starwater Tomb:
They spawned on our run 2 days ago. Dunno if they were a “recent” removal.
Yes, the server has not been updated yet. It will be live v7011
@Puffy said in Starwater Tomb:
@Latok said in Starwater Tomb:
They spawned on our run 2 days ago. Dunno if they were a “recent” removal.
Yes, the server has not been updated yet. It will be live v7011
Yep. This.
Ran into massive spawns of shiv masters. 8 at a time. bit high! Getting a lot of spawns in general too here. Last room had like 8 statues plus the boss.
Professor v7047
Shiv Master spawn adjusted
Moved/adjusted spawns for ElvenStatues -