Disguises & CoA
The rule is we do not enforce disguises. That means that the other players can decide to roll with it, or not. If they don't, they recognize your character.
I case you all were wondering.
We do not support the use of disguises, but do ask that players use common sense (on their part, don't try to enforce YOUR common sense on others).
Also keep in mind, DMs are final arbitrators of "common sense" if we say a disguise was sufficient or not, then our word is final.
Hey, guys. This post here still exists. And it's still real.
Please read it, and if you've decided to use a disguise as part of your characters roleplay, don't get upset, or angry with other players if your disguise doesn't work too well.
If I do hear of anyone "having a go at" people around this, then I can help them stop giving other players hassle, by deleting the character that uses the disguise, therefore solving the problem entirely.
Have fun peeps!