Rumors of a Tyrant Hidden in the sands...
Rumors spread of a strange half beast druid known as Atok of the Ancient, and his quest to free a Spirit circles among the wilds. A wild tale of ancient netherese mages, dark betrayal, and the Spirit of Majesty sealing him away for the creature's unending appetite. Among the reptilian creatures of the Stonelands, he is seen as something of a messiah and a prophet- who will lead the return of an ancient empire led by the Scaleykind- an unnerving thing to say the least among the more learned and scholarly druids and individuals whose ear catches wind of the topic- for the Old Blood Empires treated mammals as slave and cattle. Time will tell...
Into the Breach!
The Companions of the Breach entered Arabel with little fanfare and much drama, teleporting from some foreign aquatic plane by- what rumors say, a lich who sent them to do a 'job,' which immediately placed much suspicion upon suspicious foreigners. For the most part, however- aside from a number of broken hearts, the Companions have done little as of late, though rumors spread that a series of major expeditions will be undertaken soon- and if their track record with a major brawl with the Illuminated Blade is to go by- it will be a magnificent clusterfuck.
The Mycellum Stirs.
The War with the Orbulent is over, and the Helmlands, by all reports, is seemingly more dangerous than ever, as the fungus seeks to drag the living into the hyphae filled soil. The hive grows, and is pruned by diligent wildwalkers. It's uncertain for how much longer the druids can contain what they created, and it is rumored Hierophant Granite seems to grow more concerned by the day as they wait for something to occur with held breath...