Various Rumors...
The City is abuzz with various topics...
Of Wizard Knights...
Dame Fyeverra of the Illuminated Order was knighted by Lord Mossmere for her service to the realm. Many of the common folk are curious as to why a foreign born Rashemi Wizard was raised to the Peerage, but little else is said as the insular circle of wizards work to maintain the realm without care for the opinions of commoners. Among nobles, she is seen with a distant sort of respect- mostly attributed to House Mossmere.
However, it's slowly becoming clear that the Knight still struggles with the identity of herself and her order- as she tries to establish the Illuminated Blade as more than just a circle of friends and adventurers. Recently, their conflicts with the Crown Guard and rumors of their fights and flirtations with the open corruption of one Daleroy Farmerson has put them in a negative light, though defenders argue that dealing with the drunkard is worth a few...tens of thousands... of coin to get rid of the nuisance.
Of Rats, Grain, and Ugly Whores
Rumors spread of a salacious pair of wererats, a pair joined in the most unholy set of matrimony known to man- the kind made under Talona, where the perverse and predatious disease are shared in the dark replica of marriage. Together, they have performed many crimes and hunted the Fer-De-Lance company and many beggars and sewer-drifters have offered up fearful prayers to the Scabrous Bitch of a Goddess known as the Poisonous Mistress to avoid their attention. Recently, they are said to be responsible for a set of poisoned grain silos as the Tilverton Militia wisely didn't get in their way and immediately reported what they did after accepting their bribe. However, the only names they many can put to the pair is "Mikal of Sune and His Ugly Whore," of whom are both in the Order of the Illuminated Blade...
The Consortium
Ever since Gondegal was slain by violent, wicked, and evil individuals who would revolt against the great revolutionary leader, the Consortium has been silent and otherwise did their duties maintaining their strange magic that kept the sending system working- offering their services for payment without bias. However, as of late, the Kenku have stepped up their brand of thieving- shiny baubles on street stands go missing, valuable jewelry after a window is left open- the number of complaints begins to flood into the local militia and Crown Guard- both of which are somewhat helpless to act as the Consortium was granted to them as personal land by Gondegal to do with as they please- and searching the Kenku nests for stolen property in the darkness of the smuggling tunnels is a... unwise prospect to say the least. Word travels of a 'box,' that has recently joined their horde. A magical, talking box- that can grant people their wish.Of Captain Daleroy Farmerson....
Captain Daleroy Farmerson was permitted in the Crownguard as a collective joke amongst his betters. Bets flowed between blueblooded children to see how far he would go in his work. Imagine the surprise of his betters when his bullying, open corruption, and drunkeness produced more results than many of their members ever met- and in a short week, raised a hundred thousand in fines, bribes, and other semi-legal or outright legal methods of getting gold off the fat purses of adventurers. Naomi Axehand, fourth child of Lord Axehand, a notable individual, who, after spending generations as a wealthy jewelry merchant, bought his title during the Rebellion From Gondegal- sponsored his promotion, then- using the immense pool of wealth the drunkard generation, purchased the necessary favors from the Palace for the man to receive a promotion...
Captain Daleroy Farmerson of the Crown's Muster
Suffice to say, many of the more noblisse oblige members of the Crown Guard want nothing more than to kill this upstart drunkard- but until either the unrest he generates makes it worth their time- the suffering of the adventuring class (namely, the Illuminated Blade he seems to be targeting) isn't worth the political fallout with a very smug House Axehand. Or, as some of the more pragmatic peerage comments, 'he could just go missing and no one would care.' -
Rumors of a Tyrant Hidden in the sands...
Rumors spread of a strange half beast druid known as Atok of the Ancient, and his quest to free a Spirit circles among the wilds. A wild tale of ancient netherese mages, dark betrayal, and the Spirit of Majesty sealing him away for the creature's unending appetite. Among the reptilian creatures of the Stonelands, he is seen as something of a messiah and a prophet- who will lead the return of an ancient empire led by the Scaleykind- an unnerving thing to say the least among the more learned and scholarly druids and individuals whose ear catches wind of the topic- for the Old Blood Empires treated mammals as slave and cattle. Time will tell...
Into the Breach!
The Companions of the Breach entered Arabel with little fanfare and much drama, teleporting from some foreign aquatic plane by- what rumors say, a lich who sent them to do a 'job,' which immediately placed much suspicion upon suspicious foreigners. For the most part, however- aside from a number of broken hearts, the Companions have done little as of late, though rumors spread that a series of major expeditions will be undertaken soon- and if their track record with a major brawl with the Illuminated Blade is to go by- it will be a magnificent clusterfuck.
The Mycellum Stirs.
The War with the Orbulent is over, and the Helmlands, by all reports, is seemingly more dangerous than ever, as the fungus seeks to drag the living into the hyphae filled soil. The hive grows, and is pruned by diligent wildwalkers. It's uncertain for how much longer the druids can contain what they created, and it is rumored Hierophant Granite seems to grow more concerned by the day as they wait for something to occur with held breath...