Basically, in the great archive of CoA scripts, there are scripts that check what items are in an area for us, and if certain items are there- perform certain functions.
So, the more often it finds items, the more often certain scripts run.
The more often scripts run, the more resources the game takes.
The more resources, the more information needs to be sent between you and the server. Or it crashes the server.
Eventually, there's just too much data in those copper wires for it to transmit efficiently, and your computer frames skip or jump a bit, or you might freeze and find yourself in the fugue later as your computer catches up with the server.
Now, the argument that 'remains' do much the same thing as items so why is littering such a big deal-
Well, it isn't. The scripts do not check for corpses/remains. It checks for ITEMS- which register completely different to the server and our scripts (okay, a few scripts check for them as well, but they don't do anything intensive).
So, instead of creating NPCs that go around and pick up items (EVERYONE hates those, they also generate lag (just less than leaving the items on the ground)) or creating a function that wipes out items when a player is no longer in the area (this will suck since we'll have to create a new script that -
checks for players in an area, and run it every hour or so.
Create a script that places an exemption on DM dropped items so we can run plots and shit and have areas set up
generate more lag to combat lag...)
You can just stop littering.
This isn't really a request. This is a dm explaining why it's bad, and that you will stop, and that there will be consequences if you do not. We'd rather not have to create countermeasures to this.